We had a very eventful long weekend for Columbus Day. On Saturday we took Mary Pat to the Long Island Fall Festival in Huntington with our friends Kelly and Kevin, Al and Rosette, and the Simon family. It was a beautiful day and Mary Pat loved being outside. The festival also gave us an opportunity to try out the Baby Bjorn. Mommy and Mary Pat both enjoyed it which opens up many possibilities for their adventures!

On Monday, since Daddy was off for the holiday, we decided to take Mary Pat on her first trip to Costco. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it at first, but was sound asleep in the Bjorn after about five minutes. This left Mommy and Daddy plenty of time to deal with the ridiculous crowds that always seem to plague Costco.
Aunt Shay Baby arrives in two days for a visit and we are all very excited! Mary Pat can hardly sleep since she is anxiously awaiting meeting her aunt. I'm sure we will have many stories to tell over the days that she is here. Until then,
here are some pictures from the festival and the rest of last week.