Michael turned three weeks old on Friday!! We can hardly believe that three weeks have gone by since we welcomed him into our family. He is getting a great eater and sleeper and we are slowly starting to develop a routine. Some days are better than others and it's definitely been a challenge for Mommy to adapt to having two kids!
Mary Pat loves her baby brother more every day. She loves to help Mommy change his diaper, give him his paci, and sing to him. Some nights she even likes to snuggle with him and Mommy before bed time which is always an interesting experience!
We have had lots of visitors the past two weeks. Aunt Michelle and cousins Jocelyn, Noelle and Kiera stopped by to meet the newest Kolenik. Big Papa and Pat spent the afternoon playing with Mary Pat and helping Daddy with some things around the house. Brian and Colleen Marchand stopped by with their new addition, Brian, who is a couple weeks older than Michael for a "play date" and Michael Moriello came by one evening to say hello and hold baby Michael!
Enjoy the pictures below and many more at this

A little smile for our three week old boy!

Mary Pat doting on her baby brother.

She gets so excited to hold him!

Holding baby Michael is becoming an afternoon tradition when Mary Pat gets home from school.

Giving her baby brother kisses.

Waving to the camera.

Having a "Mom-mom breakfast" a.k.a a piece of pound cake one morning before school.

Being a silly goose as usual!

Trying out the changing table on the pack and play. She is just a little too big for it.....haha!

Nana with two of three grandkids before heading back to SC.

Mary Pat modeling her sunglasses on a sunny day.

Mommy, Mary Pat and Michael taking the double stroller out for the first time (thanks Aunt Amy for lending it to us!)

Mommy, Michael, Brian Avery Marchand (BAM) and Brian.

Jocelyn holding her newest cousin

Aunt Michelle and Michael

Moriello conquering his fear of newborns and holding baby Michael!