We have had a busy but wonderful summer so far! Mommy and Daddy are slowly adjusting to having two kids and are finding that there is not as much free time to blog. We promise to try and do better as the summer continues. Here's a little bit of what's been going on with us......
Michael continues to grow daily. He is really holding his head up well and is cooing and smiling up a storm. He is a great baby and is already showing us that he has an easygoing personality. Mary Pat is quite the helper. She loves her baby brother very much and is always helping Mommy, especially when he is crying. She is also talking nonstop. Not only will she repeat EVERYTHING we say, she is also stringing together sentences of her own which is just adorable. She has also started to dance whenever she hears music on the tv. Unfortunately, she got her dancing skills from Mommy and usually looks like the gopher from "Caddyshack" when doing so! We are hoping to get a video of this since it is adorable and hysterical.
In late May/Early June we went to visit South Carolina for three wonderful weeks. Aunt Shay Baby was kind (crazy?) enough to fly to NY in order to make the 13 hour drive to Spartanburg with Mommy, Mary Pat and Michael. Everyone was wonderful on the drive down and we managed to make it in one day! Daddy joined us for the third week of the trip after taking the second part of his CPA exam.
The trip to SC was fantastic and full of many fun things! Michael got to meet the rest of Mommy's family and Mary Pat got plenty of quality cousin play time with Victoria. We did lots of swimming both at Hillbrook and in Victoria's blow up pool. We also played for hours in Nana's back yard in the play house, on the swing set, and in the bouncy house. Most importantly, we got to see Victoria perform in her very first ballet recital. She did wonderful and even showed Mary Pat how to dance on stage after the show!
Below are some pictures from the first part of our trip. There are more pictures
here and
here. Stay tuned for pictures form part II of our SC visit including the fish camp, Monkey Joes and the Children's Museum!

The three stooges in the bouncy house.

Aunt Shay Baby with her best buddy Michael!

Mary Pat loved the blow up pool in Nana's back yard, especially the hose that filled it!

Nana and Mary Pat waving to the camera.

Aunt Shay Baby and Mary Pat waiting on Victoria's ballet recital to begin.

Mary Pat and Victoria dancing on stage after the recital.

Best friends!

Fun on the swing set!

Nana with her newest grandchild.

Nana with both of her "yankee" grandkids!

"The Michael Whisperer" aka Aunt Shay Baby with her little friend.

A dirty Mary Pat helping clean green beans picked from Victoria's garden.