Last Tuesday we loaded up the car and made the drive to South Carolina for Christmas! Aunt Shay baby was kind enough to let us make a pit stop at her apartment in DC while we waited on Daddy to arrive (he flew down after work). After a yummy dinner we got the kids dressed in their jammies and headed out following Aunt Shay baby the whole way. We arrived safely in Spartanburg at 3:30am and both kids were VERY excited to see Nana!
The first few days at Nana's house were spent hanging out with Nana, Victoria, Aunt Shay baby, Uncle Knox, and Aunt Shawnie. Mary Pat and Victoria have LOVED playing together and Michael has gotten to show off how well he crawls. We have also had fun playing Wii, making gingerbread houses and going to see the lights at Hollywild Zoo.
Here are a few pictures with more SC adventures to come!

Michael passed out at Aunt Shay baby's apartment before we hit the road to SC.

The kids were ready to hit the road!

Aunt Shawnie, Mary Pat and Victoria making their gingerbread house.

Mary Pat concentrating as she decorates.

Watching Aunt Shawnie fix the roof.

Making a path to the door.

More decorating.

Victoria sampling the decorations.

Mary Pat challenging Uncle Knox to a game of Wii!

Mary Pat was winning!

Aunt Shay baby helping Mary Pat with the Wii control.

The little man is very happy to be at Nana's house!

Victoria, Uncle Chuck, and Mary Pat looking at the lights at Hollywild.

It was freezing but the girls loved looking at the lights from the back of the car!