Mary Pat loves reading. She loves to be read to and we try to read to her every night. Her newest thing is to "read" all by herself. This usually means holding the book upside down, flipping halfway through it and then chewing on it. Her favorite board books to read herself are "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?", "Ten Little Lady Bugs", and a variety of Sesame Street books from the dollar bin at Target! She also loves to sit in the little red rocking chair (with a scary clown painted on it) that belonged to Mommy when she was a little girl. Enjoy the pictures below as well as this
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Daddy reading to Mary Pat before bed.
Mary Pat reading in her favorite rocking chair.
This night, Mary Pat decided to read to Daddy.
See, the books are better if you read them upside down.
She always has such a serious look on her face, be it eating Japanese or eating books! Did she not freak out over the clown? It always kinda freaked me out a little and I'm older! I think I exited yesterday without verifying my word, so those two post didn't get "published". So I'm sure to do both verifications today.
p-u-t-r-u as in: "Mommy had this cute little red rocker that has a putruid scary clown on it that I have to act like I enjoy sitting in since I have inherited it".
OH MY GOODNESS!!! That last picture of her with the "moo" book (the last in the album) she looks JUST LIKE YOU when you were little!!! I love her...and you...and chuck...I can't wait to see y'all soon!!!
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