Mary Pat's 2nd birthday celebrations continued on Saturday, August 28th with a luau themed party at our house. Nana and Victoria came up to help us celebrate and we enjoyed a wonderful day with many friends and family members! We got lucky with the weather and were able to have most of the party events outside included some wading pools for the kids! Mary Pat received a playhouse and picnic table from Nana, Poppy, Aunt Shay Baby, Aunt Shawn and Uncle Knox for her birthday and both of these items were a big hit with the kids at the party.
It was a fabulous day and Mary Pat seemed to really enjoy her party (although she didn't understand that it was for her!).
Here are MANY more pictures to enjoy!

Do you like my special birthday dress?

Can you tell that I just woke up from my nap?

Testing out one of the wading pools in the back yard!

Playing in the new playhouse with cousin Patrice and friend Claire.

Aunt Delores hanging out with Michael.

Leenie couldn't make it to NY for the party but she sent this very special picture (and kisses) along with Nana!

The backyard activities.

Claire and Mary Pat enjoying their lunch at the new picnic table!

Victoria and Emily decided to join in on the lunch fun, complete with Capri Suns!

More pictures mom?

Jen hanging out with the little man!

Mary Pat decided to take a load off (and had to wear the Elmo hat again).

The AWESOME birthday cake! Yes, the flowers (sugar) and shells (chocolate) were all edible!

Mary Pat was confused by the singing and cake.

Getting help from Victoria and Mommy blowing out her candle!

Mommy and Daddy with the birthday girl.

An attempt at a family picture. Notice that Michael was not happy about this.

Mary Pat thoroughly enjoyed her cake.

A big bite!

Asking for some water.

Michael was pooped and decided Kelly looked like a good place to take a nap.

Mary Pat trying to feed cousin Patrice her bottle.

Patrice looks a little scared in this picture!

The birthday princess with her special dress, crown (from Aunt Charlene) and lei!

Having a post cake snack of some Cheetos. The birthday girl can get away with anything!
1 comment:
Cute Pictures! Happy belated birthday!
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