Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Big Boy, The Highchair, and The Princess Table

Michael is getting so big! He has decided that he likes to squirm way too much while eating in the Bumbo seat so Mommy decided to try him in the big high chair. As you can see from the picture above, he was not too sure of the change in his seating arrangement at first. Overall though, this has been a good decision. Since he is strapped in he can't turn his entire body around and pays more attention to eating. He looks so little in the big seat though!

One MAJOR change brought about by this new seating arrangement has been where Mary Pat now sits to eat dinner. At first she was not too happy about Michael being in "her seat" and tried to pull on the tray to get him out. However, once Mommy showed her that she gets to be a big girl and eat at her princess table she was a happy camper. Over the past week she has stopped constantly getting up during and running around dinner time and is actually enjoying sitting at her table to eat while Mommy feeds Michael.
Getting used to his new seat once he figures out that he is still being fed!
The silly goose eating dinner at her princess table.
Happy girl!

1 comment:

Leenie said...

Now I can tell the "big guy" is eating his curds and whey but I'm thinking it looks like M&Ms in Mary Pat's bowl for wonder the big smile. You really should feed her a well balanced dinner, even if she is a Princess.